Expensive batteries! Supplier only ships via air due to hazardous materials so I said I would find local batteries. I did not know the batteries are proprietary & the only way to get them is from this supplier. I feel the supplier was dishonest by not offering this info up front. One latch was damaged & bent in shipping & the supplier blew this off when I mentioned it and pushed back on possibility of return. I bent it back into working shape but it is still not right. Once I realized I had to get batteries from them, they charged me $134 for two 4A batteries and a charger which was more than the $92 for the unit itself. This is after they said they covered $30 of the shipping. The supplier eventually resolved the issue with me but was difficult to deal with. The vacuum works OK but build quality feels cheap & the battery doesn't fit well. I would not have purchased at this price had I known the true cost up front. Would not deal with supplier again. Worst experience on Alibaba so far.